If you’re lucky enough to have an apple tree, or know someone with an apple tree (my case), then you know apples–much like pumpkins–are one of those things that embody the ever-enchanting Fall spirit. And when life gives you tons of apples (about 20lbs worth!), you must figure out what to do with them all. This year I choseapple butter. Apple butter is a thicker and more intensely flavored version of apple sauce. Despite its name, it doesn’t actually contain any butter, but it’s usually loaded with added sugar. So of course the dietitian in me had to come up with a more nutritious version–less added sugar, more spices, more fiber and some plant protein.
If you enjoy cooking as much as I do, then you’ll appreciate the lengthiness of the apple butter process. But if you’re short on time, you can always take a shortcut and buy pre-made apple butter (get a low or no added sugar version) and “doctor it up” with all the nutritious goodies (shortcut directions below).
Anyway, (if you didn’t know) apple butter takes a LONNNG time to make. But it doubles as amazing Fall aromatherapy. And luckily crock pots are great for long cook times and you can even time it so the apples cook overnight.
Enjoy apple butter over your oats or porridge, over yogurt, on toast, in your protein smoothie, by the spoonful (my fav)–just about anywhere!