Best Science-Based Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Scarlett Blandon
Are tomatoes and potatoes inflammatory? Contrary to misconception tomatoes are actually anti-inflammatory according to a new Dietary Inflammatory Index or DII, an evidence-based tool showing concrete evidence of nutrients and foods...
Back to School: Healthy Plant-Based Breakfast for Kids
Scarlett Blandon
Back to School: Healthy Plant-Based Breakfast for Kids It’s pretty well-known that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this is especially...
Top Foods to Fight Breast Cancer
Scarlett Blandon
Top Foods to Fight Breast Cancer If you notice a lot of pink during October, from advertisements to product packages to football uniforms, it ‘s...
Rachel's 30-Day Vegan Smoothie Challenge
Scarlett Blandon
Rachel's 30-Day Vegan Smoothie Challenge During my prep for my first bodybuilding competition, I was stuck eating oatmeal every morning. It paid off in the...
PCOS and Your Diet: What You Need to Know
Scarlett Blandon
PCOS and Your Diet: What You Need to Know September is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month. For some of you, this may be the...
Fermented Vegan Proteins – Are they Really Better for You?
Scarlett Blandon
Fermented Vegan Proteins – Are they Really Better for You? When it comes to nutrition, there are certain things that are tried and true. Eating...
Video: Welcome To Your Best Summer Ever!
Scarlett Blandon
Welcome To Your Best Summer Ever! Eric Carlson is here to welcome you to the Summer 2016 GN Fit Challenge and share awesome tips so...
How to Take Care of Yourself After Pregnancy
Scarlett Blandon
How to Take Care of Yourself After Pregnancy For many new moms, taking care of a new baby is an overwhelming (albeit amazing) experience. Even...
Does Weight Determine Your Health?
Scarlett Blandon
Does Weight Determine Your Health? "Healthy weight is defined as the weight at which people arrive when they normalize their eating, accept their bodies, and...
14 Foods for a Flatter Belly
Scarlett Blandon
14 Foods for a Flatter Belly “Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.” It’s a quote that often pops up on fitness sites...
Video: Guru Kelly Itsell - How to Work Out While on the Road
Scarlett Blandon
Guru Kelly Itsell: How to Work Out While on the Road Don’t let going on vacation keep you from getting in a good daily workout!...
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