Why Pea Protein

- PURE. Single-source protein from peas, ideal for blending, baking and more
- PROTEIN RICH. 1 scoop → 15g protein | 2 scoops → 30g protein
- NATURALLY CHOLESTEROL FREE and LOW FAT unlike animal based proteins
- LOW-FODMAP TESTED. Great for FODMAP-sensitive stomachs at a maximum of 2 servings.
- CLEAN LABEL. Minimal added ingredients and nothing artificial
- VERSATILE. Ideal for almost all diets from Keto to Weight Watchers

Free from Top 9 Allergens and Gluten. Millions of adults and children simply can't eat eggs, milk or soy-based protein foods because of allergies. Thousands more have food sensitivities or intolerances to things like lactose (the milk sugar found in whey protein or milk), that can result in unwanted side effects like nausea, bloating, diarrhea or vomiting. Being naturally-free from these top allergens makes pea protein powder a great choice for almost any user, but especially those with sensitive tummies. It's also naturally free-from and 3rd-party lab-tested gluten-free.

Rich in Lysine for Collagen formation, Immune Health and more. Lysine is an essential amino acid which can't be made in the body and has to be consumed through the diet. It's found richly in legumes like pea protein. Lysine is the precursor of carnitine, the molecule responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping to lower cholesterol. It also appears to help absorb calcium and plays an important role in the formation of collagen—the building block of connective tissue such as bones, cartilage, skin, tendons. It supports the normal growth and development of children and plays a role in the maintenance of a healthy immune system. Lysine deficiency is rare in typical American diets but can be a risk for strict vegetarians, vegans or elite athletes. Insufficient lysine can lead to fatigue, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, agitation, bloodshot eyes, slow growth, anemia, and reproductive disorders.

Pea protein provides 25-30% Your Daily Iron Needs per Serving! Iron plays a key role in making sure your body functions as it should. It's needed for the transport of oxygen throughout the body (so you don't feel tired) and also plays a role in immune and brain health. The iron found in antioxidant-rich plant foods like peas is known as non-heme iron. Non-heme iron isn't as well absorbed as the iron from animal protein, but it may be better for you than heme iron. Plus, you can significantly improve the absorption of it by combining it with vitamin C, citric acids (found in lemon/lime/orange juice) or lactic acid (often found in yogurts). In unrestricted diets, iron absorption can be increased when consuming it with animal-based protein.

Eating Protein Burns Calories! Proteins have a "thermic" effect, meaning that they create heat in the body through the process of digestion. In fact, protein increases your metabolic rate by 15–30%, compared to 5–10% for carbs and 0–3% for fats. With protein having the highest thermic effect, digestion burns more calories than normal when a meal is high in protein. So building a weight control strategy around lean sources of protein like pea protein makes nutritional sense.
Pea Protein won't Raise Your Blood Sugar. Blood sugar normally rises gradually after a carbohydrate-rich food, causing the pancreas to secrete insulin, a hormone that helps the body absorb circulating sugar and nutrients. But when a food or meal is too rich in sugar or simple carbs (e.g. candy, baked goods, etc.), insulin spikes dramatically and can trigger fat storage and lead to insulin resistance. This can also lead to subsequent drastic drops in blood sugar which result in fatigue. Consuming or combining enough lean sources of protein like pea protein with a meal helps to regulate this blood sugar and insulin effect and helps prevent body fat storage.

Pea Protein is Great for Cooking and Baking. Pea protein is incredibly creamy and acts as a natural thickener, making it great to use in either hot or cold recipes. Don't worry, heat won't "destroy the protein", it simply denatures the protein, which means the chemical structure changes (like when eggs turn solid as they are cooked). As long as what you are cooking/baking isn't burned or overcooked, the protein is still usable by the body. So get creative! Add some pea protein to your next batch of pancakes, muffins or even a vegetarian casserole.
Other Articles & Research on Pea Protein
- Uric Acid and Pea Protein: the Facts
- 14 Myths and Truths about Pea Protein Powder
- Pea Protein Effective in Lowering Short-Term Food Intake
- Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties in Pea Protein
- Beneficial Phenolic Compounds in Yellow Peas