Ideas for Including Protein Powder in Your Kids Meals

Tips for Including Protein Powder in Your Kids Meals

When whole food sources of protein are limited or medically contraindicated due to allergies or intolerances, allergen-friendly protein powders may help fill those nutritional gaps. As usual, you should always consult a Registered Dietitian or your child's physician before using a protein powder supplement. First, figure out approximately how much protein your child requires on a daily basis (more on this below). Then think about what protein foods he or she is already consuming on a daily basis to get an idea how much protein powder is needed to fill the gap.

Tips for Using Protein Powder

  • Just sprinkle and mix to make almost any meal high protein (whether they know it or not).
  • Try using the vanilla or chocolate flavored proteins for sweet dishes and our original flavor for savory dishes. Mix it with their favorite…
    • Yogurt or nut/nut-free butter
    • Milk, juice or water
    • Smoothie (plus this is a great way to sneak in extra fruits/veggies!)
    • Cold salad dressing, dipping or pasta sauces
    • Soups or casseroles
    • Oatmeal or other cereal
  • Practice makes perfect
    • Remember to start with a small amount (1 tbsp.) and slowly add more so you don't end up with a flavor or consistency your child might not want to try again.
  • Play it safe
    • Treat protein powder the same as you would your family's vitamins or medications and keep it out of reach of kids
    • Make sure you are following the recommended protein guidelines for your child's age, gender and physical activity level, and that you (an adult) is the one doing the measuring and blending.
      • Being made from rice and peas, our protein powders are generally non-toxic. By generally, we mean that if consumed in excessive quantities, it may cause unwanted side effects like stomach aches (much like when you eat too much ice cream--nothing is ever good in excess amounts!)

How Much Protein Does My Child Need?

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Protein
Grams of protein needed each day
Children ages 1-3 13
Children ages 4-8 19
Children ages 9-13 34
Girls ages 14-18 46
Boys ages 14-18 52
Growing Naturals Rice Proteins
1⁄2 Scoop = 12 g Protein 1 Scoop = 24 g Protein 2 Scoops = 48 g Protein
1⁄2 Scoop = 7.5-8 g Protein 1 Scoop = 15-16 g Protein 2 Scoops = 30-32 g Protein
Growing Naturals Pea Proteins
1⁄2 Scoop = 7.5 g Protein 1 Scoop = 15 g Protein 2 Scoops = 30 g Protein
1⁄2 Scoop = 7.5-8 g Protein 1 Scoop = 15-16 g Protein 2 Scoops = 30-32 g Protein
Wondering how much protein per tablespoon? Check out this quick guide. Keep in Mind:
  • RDAs are the estimated amounts of nutrient needed for normal growth as determined by the Food & Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine.
  • A Dietitian or Physician should be consulted before supplementing a child's diet with any protein powder
  • Protein powders are not intended for use as sole protein or energy source unless recommended/cleared by a Registered Dietitian or Physician
  • Individual protein needs may vary based on child's individual health and physical activity. (For example, a very active 14 year old boy would need and be ok having greater than 52 grams of protein per day).
  • Growing Naturals protein powders are not a milk substitute and do not contain all essential vitamins and minerals required during childhood and adolescence

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