Vegetable Protein Appears to Increase Survival Rate in Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition characterized by gradual loss of function in the kidneys. After analyzing data from over 1,000 people diagnosed with CKD, new results presented at the American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week meeting found that those consuming more vegetable protein than animal protein were associated with increased survival. As kidney function declines, the normal ability to remove toxins through the urine also declines, which means that the toxins are retained and built up in the bloodstream instead. This is obviously detrimental to health. However, previous research indicates that the production of toxins is less when vegetable protein is consumed than when animal protein is consumed. As such (after controlling for several factors in the data), researchers from the University of Utah found that for every 10 gram increase of vegetable protein consumed per day, the participants had a 14% lower risk of dying by the end of 2006. Although the type/form of vegetable protein consumed was not discussed and the data has not been published as of yet, the findings are valuable but warrant interventional studies where direct effect of vegetable protein is measured in person's with CKD. Reference: Chen, X. Higher Intake of Vegetable Protein Is Associated with Lower All-Cause Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease. Presented at: American Society of Nephrology, Kidney Week; Nov. 5-10, 2013; Atlanta, GA.

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